Wednesday 20 November 2013

Colour theory

During the last week I did a study on colour theory and how different colours have different effects on rooms and how they can change the mood of rooms.

Primary colours: red, yellow and blue.

Primary colours are known as pure colours and cannot be created by mixing any colours, the are also used to create all other colours.

Secondary colours:  orange, green, purple.

Secondary colours are a result of mixing two primary colours together, and when you mix secondry colours you create tertiary colours.


Colours in rooms of the house:

Red – passion – dinning room

Pink – love – bedroom

Fusia – passion – bedroom

Orange – stability, warmth – living room, dining room

Green – nature, energy – bedroom, living room

Blue – calming soothing, loyalty, prevents nightmares – bedroom, bathroom, study

Yellow – happiness, enery, sunshine – kitchen, dining room, north facing rooms

Lilac – spiritual matters, feminine – bedrooms, bathrooms

Purple – creativity, fertility, joey, magic, evil, sex, death

Brown – security, practicality, stability – living room

Black – death, drama – none colour that absorbs colour, should be used in moderation


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